Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What's Fun To Read?

Are there any fun books to read
Without the hype of Oprah ?
We all know Oprah can pick a GOOD book
but are they fun to read?
Here are some of my favorites:

Misery - Stephen King

Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton

The Quickie - James Patterson
When I first started this blog I thought it had to be about a particular topic. Now I realize it is to post about our Web 2.0 experience.
So, I'm adding a post about what I expect about this experience. I know we live in a world were technology is taking over. All we have to see is look at the 2 year olds able to use a computer mouse to know this is true. I am one for learning new things and not being left in the dark so I am eager to participate in Web 2.0 and learn what resources are out there and how I can better serve the public.


bewildered said...

i thought quickie was great but what did you think of the book you've been warned? i thought it was a little strange for a patterson book

Linda said...

Thanks for the comment! I haven't gotten to it yet but it's on my list.Do you have any other suggestions?

hood_and_hat said...

I was just talking to someone recently about reading Jurassic Park as a teen.

The Secret History by Donna Tartt is one of my favorite fun books to recommend.